Explore our accommodations
Mobile Home
Mobile Home


Accommodation air-conditioned with four beds, arranged between a double room and a twin room. Consisting of a fully wooden veranda with outdoor table, two bedrooms, a living room with sofa, kitchen, dining table, and two bathrooms with large shower, one for each room.

The spaces and modern furnishings, make it ideal for longer vacations.

What you'll find
1 parking space near the accommodation
frigorifero da 206lt con freezer
1 set of towels per person
2 bathrooms with sink, shower stall and toilet
4 sleeping accommodations: 1 double bed and 2 single beds
Living area with kitchenette cookware and dishes
Crib upon request
Microwave oven
Sheets, pillowcases and pillows
Children's sideboard on request
Furnished veranda
Always included
Other housing in Mobile Home

Check availability now


Frequently Asked Questions for carefree departure for a unique and unforgettable vacation

When leaving for a vacation the questions can always be many! What time is the check-in? Where can I leave my car? Are the accommodations equipped with the b>bathroom kit and kitchen kit?  Well, fear not, below we have collectedthe main frequently asked questions that we are almost always asked by our guests.

And if you can’t find the answer to your questiondon’t hesitate to contact us on our socials or via email, phone and whatsapp!

Yes, they are equipped with linens and 1 towel kit per person

Yes, the accommodations are equipped with dishes and cookware

Delivery of accommodation is guaranteed by 4 p.m.

Accommodation must be vacated by 11:00 a.m., you can stay at the facility and use our services by paying daily admission

Keys should be returned to the front desk

Yes, animals are allowed throughout the facility except in the pool area

Yes, they are included in the price except for overnight stays in which a pet is present.

A midweek turndown service is provided for stays of at least 2 weeks and includes cleaning bathrooms and floors, changing sheets and making beds. Cleaning of dishes is not included

Directly at the front desk, at a cost of € 5.00 full bed change (sheets and pillowcase) and € 5.00 for full towel kit (towel and face cloth)

Yes, the accommodation has a barbecue that can be used near the veranda

All accommodations are at least 5 m apart from each other, there is also silence time within the facility, which is from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 1:00 am to 7:00 am

It is possible to transit by car only to enter and leave the facility. One-car parking is provided near the accommodation

Are you ready to go?
We are waiting for you to experience a unique and unforgettable summer together.

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